Monitoring for Regulatory Compliance & Product Safety
Temperature - Humidity - Moisture - pH
Call us we have the solutions!

Welcome to Rototherm

Welcome to Rototherm


Since our foundation in 1948 Rototherm has had a proud record in serving Irish Industry. Our ethos 2459_Kenaney_Maria_002is that we serve our customers best by putting ourselves in their shoes and ensuring that the solution that we recommend is the best for their specific business requirement. With this in mind, in order to meet your specific needs, we have designed our website with ease of use as a significant objective, by providing a separate area for each specific industry or application. Please select the appropriate icon from the selection below.

Our customer base operates in a highly regulated environment. We keep up to date with changes in the regulatory environment and business best practice. Our services which comprise Calibration, Temperature & Humidity Mapping, Validation, Maintenance and Product Sales reflect this and are compliant with current guidelines and best practice requirements from the regulatory bodies. Further details on our services can be accessed by using the services tab on the top bar.

As part of our commitment to ongoing improvement, we would welcome any feedback that you may have in relation to your experience of this site.

Maria Kenaney
Managing Director